Clubs and Societies

Otago Disabled Students Association

Otago Disabled Students Association

Otago Disabled Students’ Association (ODSA) is a whānau made of tauira from both the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic. Members may either identify as a disabled or impaired student themselves or be an ally of the disabled community. Disability reflects the interaction between an individual's impairment and the barriers of their environment. This includes, but is not limited to, physical impairment, mental health and psychological conditions, learning and/or sensory forms of impairment, neurodiversity, chronic illness, individuals within the Deaf community and beyond.


ODSA’s pūmanawa (what makes our hearts beat) is empowering the voice of disabled student’s through inclusivity, accessibility, advocacy and allyship on-campus in Ōtepoti and greater Aotearoa. Kei tēnā tangata, kei tēnā tangata tōna ake āhua, tōna ake mauri, tōna ake mana anō hoki. Each and every one has their own uniqueness, life essence and presence.


As part of this mahi you’ll see ODSA advocating on committees, hosting guest speakers, organising movie screenings, taking home the sustainability Office’s kōwhai award two years running for being the Lorax of all clubs, running up for the Blues and Gold’s award (humble brags), writing submissions, sending you surveys, on radio interviews, in the paper and around campus.


If you are keen to get amongst or would like to know more, then get in touch on Instagram or Facebook at @otagoDSA, Instagram at @otagodsa, or flick us an email at otagodsa1@gmail.com

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Email: otagodsa1@gmail.com